Monday, February 6, 2012

Kosmo Pose Set 1

Ok peoples! Here they are! My first pose set! They are compatible with the poselist! I did, however, stick the non-compatible version in the zip file also. This is my first attempt but I'm always looking for good criticism. Good and bad. If there are any problems let me know and I'll fix it asap! :) Enojy!


Original picture:
Pose 1:

Pose 2:

Pose 3:


The butt has some distortion but that's because the pose is meant to be captured from the front like above.

Poses5a and5b Basically the same pose but mirror each other. These are two different angles:

I'd like to give thanks to Evie's tutorial on Cstyles, BeechNutBaby for answering all my questions, OrangeMittens at modthesims and everyone on both my blog and Cstyles for the wonderful feedback.


  1. Just got your poses and can't wait to try them in game!!

  2. Being your first pose set, these are fabulous! Ty for your efforts. I'm so using it to model my new sims.

    1. Thank you Badcore! :) My next set will be an attempt at couple poses. College has been the way of my simming but exams are over for awhile so its time to catch up!

  3. I love them ! They're really good for your first set ! I'm definetly hitting the download button (:

  4. I love how you included different angles in your poses.
